Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Marginalizing" Rush

The Democrats are frightened of Rush Limbaugh. They show it every time they criticize him. If he was not an EFFECTIVE opposition to their plans, they would ignore him. That’s how they handle people like me who are not yet big enough (and may never be) to worry them. That they aren’t aware of the tings I’m saying is not something I believe. They scan EVERY blog out there, looking for things (key words) they can twist into “sedition” or something like that. But they don’t bother until we say or do something that DIRECTLY hurts them in a big way, as Rush does every day. Hugh Hewitt says, "Only the easily confused will fail to understand that every effective spokesman for conservative principles is necessary, and that Rush is the most effective spokesman the right has right now. He is not a "leader" of the party in the way that John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are --designated to negotiate on behalf of their elected colleagues on when and how to work with the new Administration. But he is one of the major voices of the loyal opposition. Long may he prosper." In other words, he INFLUENCES the Repblicans. So they spend a lot of time in an effort to “marginalize” him. When they stop doing that is when I’ll worry a little bit. (Just common sense)

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