Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Those Bonuses EARNED!

Those “nasty bonuses” AIG plans on paying are EARNED bonuses. The Obama crowd says these people “ran the company into the ground” and CREATED the economic problem. Which is a load of brown stuff. It was the Democrats who created the economic crunch with their infamous “Citizen’s Reinvestment Act of 1976” that FORCED lenders to literally GIVE money away by loaning it to people who could not, and would not repay it; a “recipe for disaster” if ever there was one. Those bonuses are written into these people’s CONTRACTS and are paid for PERFORMANCE. If AIG defaults on those contracts, it will be subject to more than being sued. It will LOSE those talented people to other companies and will only have the mediocrities who did not, and cannot earn bonuses left; which will, in time, make AIG a “mediocre company. Obama’s entire system rewards mediocrity and punishes achievement. Not just in AIG, but everywhere. (Just common sense)

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