Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Turning Criminals Loose

One of the worst, and most ignorant things politicians have done in response to this Coronavirus panic is to release many criminals so they won’t get it—and they can then continue their “life’s work” of victimizing the rest of us, using ILLEGAL guns they bought out of another criminal’s car trunk, or just stealing them. Then those self-same ignorant politicians complain about the predictable rise in crime while blaming everything other than the releasing of those criminals. Politicians are good at one thing: diverting blame when they do something stupid. And releasing many criminals while refusing to even arrest other criminals for named crimes definitely qualifies as stupid. There ARE ways to separate them in jail, and they really ought to cooperate with them so THEY won’t get sick. But NO! As a “first response,” they release them and tell them that if they stick to certain crimes they won’t even be arrested. (Just common sense)

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