Friday, April 24, 2020

Non-Gun Self Defense

I’m an old man on Social Security. As such, according to the anti-gun fools in our government, I cannot own a gun for self defense. That’s how they decide just who they will “allow” to have the means for self defense. At my age, and in my physical condition, I’m a “prime target” for those fools who just wish to “strong-arm” an “easy target” and take what is not theirs. So I have to “make do” in the weapons department. Actually, there are weapons all around you, and they can be very effective, even in the hands of an “old duffer” like me. One I like is a “page holder” you can buy in a book store that looks very much like a “sap,” and can be used the same way. It’s a piece of leather with a lead weight at each end. Hit somebody with it, and he’s “going down.” Maybe permanently, if you aren’t careful. Other objects, such as large glass ash trays, lamps, and anything that can be used as a club are also good weapons for emergency use. You just have to be aware, at all times, of the possible weapons close by, and not be afraid to use them if you are attacked. I remember in one movie the actor bought $20 worth of quarters in rolls and put them in a sock, which he carried whenever he went out at night. Very effective. Substitute the quarters with a bar of soap, or anything heavy, and you have a very efficient self-defense weapon. Of course, if you ever have to use it, the cops will take it away from you, as they are wont to do with ANYTHING we can use to defend ourselves. But a bar of soap or some quarters in a sock are not legally a weapon unless they twist a law to include them. But better convicted, than dead. So if you have to use it, don’t report it. Just walk away—if you can. (Just common sense)

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