Friday, April 3, 2020

Anti-Gun Laws Useless

In the UK, they have laws that almost completely ban the ownership and usage of guns for self defense by the law-abiding. Which does NOTHING to stop the law breakers from getting the guns they use in victimizing the law-abiding. They have actually admitted that “gun crime” is at its highest it has been in a decade in 2018. What the hell? Their “tough gun laws” were supposed to REDUCE “gun crime.” Why didn’t they? Because the people who misuse guns are the people who violate laws on a daily basis. So why in hell would they bother to obey a silly little anti-gun law? I get really tired of writing the same things over and over again and having them be continually ignored by the anti-gun fools. These people have amply proven their ignorance. No, not ignorance, STUPIDITY. Ignorance is simply lack of information. Stupidity is having sufficient information but acting ignorantly, anyway. And that perfectly describes those stupid fools who keep making those USELESS anti-gun laws. (BBC)

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