Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Virus Won't Kill Us

Yes, the Coronavirus is killing some people. But the number, how awful as it is, is but a very small number as part of the whole. Yes, thousands dying sounds awful. But thousands die of the flu EACH YEAR, and they treat it perfunctorily. So we agree that we ought to take precautions. But the news media is playing up the Coronavirus pandemic into a terrible monster and that’s going to kill more people than the virus itself. You can’t look toward a TV without seeing the word “Coronavirus.” Or “Covid 19.” (Oh gee. A second name to confuse people. Kinda like in the pharmacy. Each medicine has at least four to six different names. But that’s a discussion for another day.) NY Governor Cuomo goes on the air daily for at least an hour and details all the shortages of everything needed to “fight the virus.” He never talks about the gains that have been made in finding a cure. He just plays that down. Then the president follows him and details more of the things we’re short of. Although I’ll give him credit, he keeps trying to build SOME hope. And he doesn’t spend hours frightening us. Yes, this virus is serious. But it is the media’s painting it as being so terrible, people staying at home, businesses closing—something they can’t afford. The economy shrinking visibly. It has already wiped out all the gains Trump has made, to the delight of the Dumocrats. All this will kill us quicker than the virus while destroying our economy.. (Just common sense)

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