Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Give It Up,already!

Nancy Peelosi and the Dumocrats have spent millions of OUR dollars in her attempted coup against legally-elected president Donald Trump, trying her best (or worst) to unseat him. She (and they) are miffed because this non-politician, who “shouldn’t have won anything,” has been making Dumocrats look like the damned fools they are at every turn ever since. He has promised to “drain the swamp” in DC and they are sorely frightened that he will actually do it. He usually does what he promises. That it is not the usual “political promise” made simply to get elected, and then forgotten. They appointed a special counsel who spent the better part of THREE YEARS trying to find something they could “pin on him” and failed. Then they tried to impeach him for nothing, and that failed, too. They are miffed that he has, so far, achieved many of the things he promised, which frightens them further. And he has created a boom economy that only could have been reversed by something like the Coronavirus, and they don’t like that, either. So now Nancy is “preparing yet another investigation” with the intent to TRY and impeach him yet again, using even more millions of OUR DOLLARS, which seems to give her an unlimited fund of OUR money to spend for her partisan political purposes. This bimbo needs to be removed from office, for CAUSE, before she can do any more damage to our republic. (National Insiders)

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