Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Pushing A Lie

That’s what the anti-gun fools DO. They recently posted a “study” that “determined” that there was a school shooting (nearly) once a week. Of course, they included fist fights in the playground, or NEAR it. They also included shootings OUTSIDE the school grounds but within earshot. And they based their “findings” on the “school year,” not the real 12-month year. This is ample evidence of how they get their “bad-sounding” statistics. They LIE, include things that are NOT shootings, and happen not even ON school grounds, but NEAR the school. They don’t have any REAL statistics to report, so they just make it up. Meanwhile, they disarm the victims, so they will be “easy targets” for the fools who come to kill students using their ILLEGAL guns. And if anybody comes up with an idea that will actually WORK to stop school shootings (like letting the teachers bring their guns to school), they dismiss them, out of hand. They’re fools, but they “have the ear” of gullible politicians, so they can get their illogical, useless anti-gun laws on the books. Laws that only make it easier for the mass shooters to kill defenseless students and faculty. (Joe Huffman)

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