Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Gun Grabbers Getting Cocky

They’re celebrating the fact that Dumocrats have “taken over” the House and they think that’s going to make it easier for them to pass their useless, unenforceable anti-gun fool laws. A “Gabby Giffords associate” has actually said so. Robyn Thomas, executive director of the Giffords Law Center (a real official name for a bunch of fools, that) says, “This will be a good year for gun control.” She really thinks their foolish attempts at lawmaking will actually DO something to reduce “gun crime.” How Gabby finds these fools who are as silly and stupid as she is, I don’t know. It must be mental illness to be so completely blind to reality. The reality that none of their laws work worth a damn. One of the most useless is their “universal background check,” which is “just the beginning,” according to Thomas. Background checks only do anything if the criminal bought his gun legally and actually stood for one, which a majority of people who want to use their guns to do ill do NOT do. The very use of that dumb kid, David Hogg, as a spokesman, shows their ignorance by having someone so ignorant with such a big mouth represent their views. It makes it obvious that they can’t find an INTELLIGENT spokesman. (Just common sense)

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