Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Federal Gun Registry

“Democrats Express Openness to National Gun Registry.” No kidding. that’s what they’ve been after all along, no matter what lies they’ve told. Democratic House Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries defended his party’s push for a universal background check bill Wednesday, claiming that any enforcement of the legislation — including federal firearm registration — will be left to the Department of Justice to decide.” And you can BET they will decide in favor of a national gun registry, even though they already have one. If anybody believes the names of people who buy a gun are not put into a database that is then “shared” with the feds, I’ve got a beautiful bridge in Brooklyn for sale. They will SAY they don’t do that, but they do. And one day we will find out they do. Whenever you buy a gun, you must “register” that sale with the local government. The locals then talk to the feds, sending the details of that sale along with the conversation. If you don’t believe the feds put that info into a database for use later, I feel sorry for you. Any information sent to the feds will be there forever. Whether or not it’s legal for them to keep it. (The Daily Caller)

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