Friday, April 10, 2020

Job Approval Still High

In spite of all the Dumocrat lying, telling us daily that Trump’s policies are going to ruin us, the American people still have confidence in President Trump. The Dumocrats just can’t understand WHY this is. They think their lies should have long since sunken this president, since they control the liberal media and can keep the truth from being largely known. But they never counted on intelligent people gravitating toward news sources that do not lie to them and so know more of the truth than the Dumocrats want them to know. Trump’s successes in “draining the swamp” are well-known. They haven’t been able to hide them, since they affect everybody—and results overcome lies, every time. They’re overjoyed at the rise of the virus pandemic because they see it as an opportunity to “bring him down” if they can manage to lay the blame on him. But that isn’t going to work because Trump made too many things better for too many people BEFORE the Coronavirus struck. They ridiculed him for some of the things he promised—and then his promises came true. He has actually DONE things Dumocrats thought impossible, since they could not do them. Like bringing back the millions of jobs from overseas that Obama said were gone forever. (Just common sense)

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