Thursday, April 30, 2020

Flynn: Democrat Victim

General Flynn ought to be lauded as a war hero and thanked profusely for his exemplary service to this nation. Instead, he has been framed into a prison term and ruined financially by the Dumocrats, for their own spurious purposes. He was “questioned” incessantly, going over the same things many times, hoping to trip him into a misstatement they could make into “a lie to the FBI so they could make an example of him and make President Trump look bad. They finally did it. They found SOMETHING they could “get him” on, and sent him to prison, the final insult just short of killing him. He is a political prisoner, and President Trump should pardon him, and tell the FBI to give him restitution financially for all they did to him. But, of course, that will ever happen. The FBI is run by entrenched bureaucrats, and if there’s one thing they’re good at, it’s stalling. The Trump-appointed director notwithstanding. The only true answer is mass firing, but that would open another “can of worms” and lawsuits. The only thing Trump can do is mitigate the damage by pardoning their victims, selectively firing specific key individuals for cause. (Legal Insurrection)

"Won't Stand Up In Court"

That’s what Washington Post thinks about Second Amendment Sanctuaries, anyway. Which leads me to ask, “What kind of legal education has the editors there taken?” None, I’d suspect. People who rise to the level of editor of a newspaper just don’t have time to get a legal education. The same people fully support “sanctuary cities” for illegal aliens. Which supports TWO crimes. Entering this country illegally and refusing to aid the legally-constituted authorities in enforcing the law. Will THAT “stand up in court?” What the Post just doesn’t understand in their ignorance is that the PEOPLE of Virginia will not stand for being completely disarmed and made to be defenseless in the face of the law-breakers’ reliance on ILLEGAL guns. They WILL revolt, as we did when King George tried it, and then it will not matter if it “stands up in court.” The fools trying to enforce unconstitutional laws will be removed from office and more intelligent people will replace them—or else. The point being that the very laws “Second Amendment Sanctuaries” oppose are unconstitutional, and will themselves ultimately “not stand up in court.” (Just common sense)

Two Diffferent Approaches

Second Amendment advocates and gun control advocates each have a different approach to reducing gun violence, according to the Daily Caller. Second Amendment advocates want to find ways to PREVENT gun violence, while gun control fools simply want more and worse gun violence they can take advantage of to coin more bucks out of it, while working to take away one of the most cherished constitutional rights we have. Which is why they always jump right on every possible instance of gun violence, even before the echos of the gunshots have dissipated. While you can still hear those echoes, they’re out soliciting more money so they can promote even more of the useless anti-gun laws that criminals IGNORE, while using their ill-gotten guns to victimize the law-abiding, who OBEY their stupid laws, even while they realize they are stupid laws. Of course, a lot of that money seems to find its way into the pockets of the anti-gun fools, usually in the form of inflated salaries and “travel assistance” so they can travel around the country in their futile quest to destroy that constitutional right. Gun control has actually become a money-grubbing scam—if it wasn’t always. (Daily Caller)

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Can't Do It, Dummy!"

Some governors (and other politicians) think you can declare the Constitution invalid because they’re “doing it for good” and it’s “an emergency.” But that’s stupid thinking, and it shows who is wishing to be a dictator, at least over the tiny area they control. I’ve seen governors do it, and I’ve seen local politicians do it. And get away with it, for a while—until the Supreme Court catches up to them. Sadly, there isn’t a punishment for those politicians who violate the Constitution, other than the indignity of having their actions declared unconstitutional and reversed. Unfortunately, the supreme Court usually acts as fast as paint dries, and the damage has already been done to many people, who lose money, sometimes their businesses, or their property, even some going to prison before they act. Many politicians are right now using the pandemic panic as an excuse to violate the Constitution, with one governor blandly admitting that he didn’t even CONSIDER the Constitution when he made his rulings. That should be a criminal offense, and reason for his or her removal from office, immediately, to reduce the damage. The Michigan governor has been probably the worst offender. (Just common sense)

Another Know-Nothing Speaks

Chelsea Clinton, who knows NOTHING about guns, comes out (again) in favor of gun control after the Aurora, Illinois shooting spree that killed five, and wounded four cops. Who the hell is Chelsea to make such comments and be taken seriously, anyway? Her only “qualification” to be heard is she is the misbegotten spawn of a former president (who was impeached for lying about his sexual escapades in the White House with a young, impressionable intern), and his unindicted felon wife. If America was smart, they would never take such ignorant people seriously. This bimbo knows even less than Alexandria Oasio-Cortez, and that’s saying a lot. Yet liberals, especially, take her seriously, and revere her ignorant words as if they were “The Gospel of Bill Clinton.” She’s nothing but the spoiled child of a scurrilous scoundrel who made millions of dollars in very suspicious circumstances, AFTER he was impeached, but not convicted by a Senate, where he know where the bodies were buried, and maybe even buried a few, himself. (Just common sense)

Federal Gun Registry

“Democrats Express Openness to National Gun Registry.” No kidding. that’s what they’ve been after all along, no matter what lies they’ve told. Democratic House Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries defended his party’s push for a universal background check bill Wednesday, claiming that any enforcement of the legislation — including federal firearm registration — will be left to the Department of Justice to decide.” And you can BET they will decide in favor of a national gun registry, even though they already have one. If anybody believes the names of people who buy a gun are not put into a database that is then “shared” with the feds, I’ve got a beautiful bridge in Brooklyn for sale. They will SAY they don’t do that, but they do. And one day we will find out they do. Whenever you buy a gun, you must “register” that sale with the local government. The locals then talk to the feds, sending the details of that sale along with the conversation. If you don’t believe the feds put that info into a database for use later, I feel sorry for you. Any information sent to the feds will be there forever. Whether or not it’s legal for them to keep it. (The Daily Caller)

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Democrats Are Imbecilic

They’re giving a hard time to one of their own for telling the truth and giving credit where it belongs, to President Trump. This black female member of the Michigan legislature got the virus and was near death. President Trump suggested the use of hydroxychloroquine in her treatment and it “turned the tide” for her,. She recovered, and thanked Trump for his suggestion, which saved her life. Now her colleagues and “friends” want to censure for thanking President Trump for anything. As the writer of the American Thinker article on the subject said, this is not rational behavior. Thanking someone for saving one’s life should not be a violation making the person subject to censure and possible removal. I don’t know what they’re smoking in Michigan these days, but their dictatorial governor agrees and has made it known in snarky messages aimed at her. Someone who is slowly suffocating fro an insidious virus doesn’t care about the Dumocrat Trump hatred, She is grateful, and says so. The Dumocrats have taken Trump hatred way too far, and those practicing it should be removed for cause. What cause? Stupidity. (Just common sense)

We're Fighting Two Pandemics!

One made in communist China, hopefully by accident, the other of our own making. The second pandemic is the one that is going to END us if we don’t “wise up” and kill it off. She “Second Pandemic” is “shutting down the country” to keep people from getting close to one another. Yes, people need to practice “social distancing” while the virus is still killing people. But we should trust adults to take the proper precautions to stay alive without destroying their ability to earn a living. This virus will forever change the way we deal with one another, but we don’t need to go broke to survive it. Communist China, the original source for the virus, is not “closing down.” Oh yes, they are PRETENDING to, but just who is providing millions of face masks we are being advised to use? Who is still THE major supplier of everything? They don’t really care if millions of their people die of the virus, and they MUST go to work when their communist bosses order them to be at their benches manufacturing hundreds of items for sale as WalMart and other “big box” stores. Communist China is the biggest winner. Their economy is booming while ours is disappearing. Their time for suffering is coming, when their biggest market for everything “goes away.” But they will be big enough by then to survive, and America will be gone. (American Thinker)

Pushing A Lie

That’s what the anti-gun fools DO. They recently posted a “study” that “determined” that there was a school shooting (nearly) once a week. Of course, they included fist fights in the playground, or NEAR it. They also included shootings OUTSIDE the school grounds but within earshot. And they based their “findings” on the “school year,” not the real 12-month year. This is ample evidence of how they get their “bad-sounding” statistics. They LIE, include things that are NOT shootings, and happen not even ON school grounds, but NEAR the school. They don’t have any REAL statistics to report, so they just make it up. Meanwhile, they disarm the victims, so they will be “easy targets” for the fools who come to kill students using their ILLEGAL guns. And if anybody comes up with an idea that will actually WORK to stop school shootings (like letting the teachers bring their guns to school), they dismiss them, out of hand. They’re fools, but they “have the ear” of gullible politicians, so they can get their illogical, useless anti-gun laws on the books. Laws that only make it easier for the mass shooters to kill defenseless students and faculty. (Joe Huffman)

Monday, April 27, 2020

Millionaires Control Voting?

There needs to be some sort of a law against billionaires giving billions of dollars to one party or another, or millions to one candidate or another to sway elections their way. It is immoral for them to be allowed to spend so much money on one side or the other, and I would still be saying this is the beneficiaries were Republicans. It’s just WRONG. There ARE laws to limit the total amount of some donations for the “little guy,” but not, apparently, for the “big guy.” They get to put as much money in the hands of their favorite politicians as they want, with no limits, it seems, while us “peons” have limits. Bloomberg has pledged one BILLION dollars to be given to the Dumocrats, while George Soros wrote a check for $28 million, which makes him the piker in this scenario. Then there’s Chuckie Schumer’s Super PAC, which has come up with $70 million. President Trump is putting a lot of money in it, too. But most of it is from his supporters, mostly in small or medium donations. As this is written, he hasn’t seen fit to put a lot of his own money in the game. (Just common sense)

Not Just to Militia

Anti-gun fools try to convince us that the founders only meant to guarantee gun rights to “members of an organized militia,” so they can be free to deny them to everybody else. NOT SO. The wording is clear: “the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” NOT “The right of militia members...” At the time of the writing of the Constitution, there was no such thing as an “organized militia” in existence, and the government considered ALL THE PEOPLE to be a “militia,” subject to being “called up” when needed, and they wanted them to bring their own guns with them, since they were not “flush with money” as they are, today. To attempt to limit gun ownership to an imaginary “organized militia” is really stupid. But that has never stopped the anti-gun fools before, and it won’t, in the future. They will cling tenaciously to that faulty belief, forever. The fact is, the Constitution guarantees ALL PEOPLE the right to self defense, and to own and keep the means to that end, a gun. That’s a fact. Not subject to debate. Yet they continue to deny it, and operate as if the Constitution did not exist. ( Mercury News)

"We'd Rather Teachers Die"

That’s what they seem to be telling us with their most recent effort at making a law that might actually WORK to keep mass shooters out of their schools in Florida. They don’t want to ALLOW any teacher to bring their gun to school, so they could protect themselves and their students in case some crazy comes in to kill a few children. They think there should be NO guns carried in schools, except those carried by school resource officers (who can be easily located and “dealt with” before the killing of the children begins). School resource officers are human beings. Teachers are human beings. What is different between the two? Both are presumed to be responsible people, so why shouldn’t the teachers be ALLOWED to bring their already legally-carried guns (if they are “concealed carriers” already) to school, so a potential mass shooter cannot locate, and kill ALL the gun carriers in the school BEFORE the killing of the children begins, since he will not be able to identify them? All their ideas still seem to be silly and unenforceable. But they haven’t clue to that. They keep doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result. Idiocy. (Tallahassee Democrat)

Friday, April 24, 2020

Joe Just Doesn't Get It

Joe Biden just can’t seem to understand why the right to own guns is a “bulwark against tyranny.” He actually thinks the government would use a “Hellfire Missile” against people is they refuse to get rid of their guns. Nor does he understand that having guns creates the fact that, in order to take our guns it might mean a bloody civikl war where a lot of people get killed, many on the government side, while they attempt it, He has a significant IGNORANCE about all things guns. He doesn’t know what a magazine is when he talks about “prohibiting 50 magazines in one gun.” Yet he wants to be president so he can sponsor legislation to regulate something he doesn’t understand. It reminds me of one state legislator who has sponsored many anti-gun laws who said, “Guns shock and sicken me!” So what business has she in making laws against guns? People who pass laws are supposed to at least be neutral. And have some kind of understanding about the things they want to regulate. The problem is, most of those making laws to “regulate” guns have no idea what they’re doing. They listen to the anti-gun fools and believe the BS they put out—then them make useless laws that only INCREASE “gun crime” because they disarm the law-abiding and make it easier for the users of ILLEGAL guns to victimize them. They just don’t understand that, and they REFUSE to understand it. (Washington Examiner)

Beating A Dead Horse

Anti-gun fools are “beating a dead horse” with all their USELESS laws, limiting gun ownership for the law-abiding, and making guns useless with all their “safe storage” laws. They just can’t seem to understand the simple fact that none of their anti-gun laws do ANYTHING to reduce “gun violence.” I’ve become convinced that they aren’t after controlling guns because their laws only apply to the law-abiding, who DO obey laws, while the criminals just ignore them and get their guns illegally. These people aren’t stupid. They have to know their laws are USELESS to “reduce gun violence,” but they keep on making them. And all they do is make it easier for the criminals to victimize the law-abiding. We keep telling them that, but they ignore us and keep on doing the same things that do not work, over and over, though they have to KNOW they don’t work. They’re either stupid, or they WANT to make it easier for the law breakers to victimize the law-abiding. And they’re not stupid. One of their favorite devices is the “gun-free zone,” which is an “engraved invitation” to the law breakers to come in and do their dirty work because they can be pretty sure the law-abiding there will not be armed, because they DO obey laws, even if they’re stupid laws. (Just common sense)

Non-Gun Self Defense

I’m an old man on Social Security. As such, according to the anti-gun fools in our government, I cannot own a gun for self defense. That’s how they decide just who they will “allow” to have the means for self defense. At my age, and in my physical condition, I’m a “prime target” for those fools who just wish to “strong-arm” an “easy target” and take what is not theirs. So I have to “make do” in the weapons department. Actually, there are weapons all around you, and they can be very effective, even in the hands of an “old duffer” like me. One I like is a “page holder” you can buy in a book store that looks very much like a “sap,” and can be used the same way. It’s a piece of leather with a lead weight at each end. Hit somebody with it, and he’s “going down.” Maybe permanently, if you aren’t careful. Other objects, such as large glass ash trays, lamps, and anything that can be used as a club are also good weapons for emergency use. You just have to be aware, at all times, of the possible weapons close by, and not be afraid to use them if you are attacked. I remember in one movie the actor bought $20 worth of quarters in rolls and put them in a sock, which he carried whenever he went out at night. Very effective. Substitute the quarters with a bar of soap, or anything heavy, and you have a very efficient self-defense weapon. Of course, if you ever have to use it, the cops will take it away from you, as they are wont to do with ANYTHING we can use to defend ourselves. But a bar of soap or some quarters in a sock are not legally a weapon unless they twist a law to include them. But better convicted, than dead. So if you have to use it, don’t report it. Just walk away—if you can. (Just common sense)

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Forget Joe Biden

He’s never going to be president, for several reasons. One, he’s too old. He has shown positive evidence of the onset of Alzheimer's. Were he president, they’d have to remove him from office because of that, IF he managed to get himself elected. He’s so feeble he needs to be led around by a staffer. Half the time he doesn’t know where he is, or what he’s doing. He can’t complete a sentence without a gaffe. He can’t keep his facts straight, and he promotes impossible ideas. Ideas that, if enacted, would bankrupt the country. Of course, all the Dumocrats did that. But they aren’t “losing their minds.”Dumocrats know they’ve made a big mistake in backing this old fossil to be president, but they can’t figure out what to do about it, so now they’re pushing another impossible candidate to replace him. NY Governor Cuomo is on TV daily, giving us his “Virus Update,” which interests us not. We’re not in New York. But every appearance is an “audition” to be added to the list of possibles. Why is he the only governor allowed to do this? They keep saying Biden can beat Trump, but he can’t. He couldn’t before, and he can’t now. He’s already lost to him once, behind Hillary. So there are many reasons to doubt his ability to ever be president in his lifetime, which is just about over. (Just common sense)

Will That work?

The Dumocrats have introduced legislation to BAN the gun used to stop the shooter in his Texas church killings--as if that would stop similar killings. Which proves again the anti-gun fools just want to disarm everybody. I should point out that this shooter WAS a felon, and gun ownership was DISALLOWED for him. But he got four guns, anyway. What kind of a law would have stopped him? Can anybody tell me? I'd really like to know--if anybody has an answer, tell me. My e-mail address is above, to tell me directly. But frankly, I'll guarantee you nobody will be able to come up with ANYTHING that will WORK, because there ISN'T anything that will work, outside of allowing law-abiding citizens to own and carry their own guns for self defense--which the anti-gun fools will not hear of. They ridicule the very suggestion, in their ignorance. They think if we allow the law-abiding to carry guns, they'll "go wild" and kill each other over trivialities, completely ignoring the fact that owners of ILLEGAL guns are doing that, already. Mostly gang members, who will kill you if you step foot on "their turf." And none of them have gun permits anyway, because most of them are too young to qualify and the older ones just don't give a damn. (Breitbart)

Never Learn From Experience

The anti-gun fools never learn from experience. Evidence abounds that their "gun laws" not only never even slow down "gun crime," it INCREASES it. They have to know this, but they keep dragging out all their tired, old, useless "gun laws" and think they're new. The UK, for instance, has an almost complete gun ban, but have suffered a 27% INCREASE in "gun crimes." Chicago, IL has some of the tightest gun laws in the country, coupled with probably the HIGHEST rate of gun crime in the nation. Other cities with similar laws also have high gun crime rates. Meanwhile, areas with less tight gun laws and more guns in the hands of law-abiding people have much LOWER gun crime rates. Mass shooters SEEK OUT "gun-free zones" in which to shoot as many innocent people as they can because they can be pretty sure there won't be any law-abiding citizens there with their own guns, who can kill them before they get to kill many innocent people. Stories of mass shooters (with no criminal records) who followed every law up to the minute they began killing people or just LIED when asked if they could legally buy a gun, or just STOLE the guns they used to kill people. What drives these anti-gun fools, I don't know, except a wish to DISARM all law-abiding people, leaving the way open for ILLEGAL gun-wielders to victimize them without opposition. (Sky News)

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Did China Create the Virus?

There is growing suspicion that communist China CREATED the Coronavirus to completely destroy our economy, and then our way of life. China apologists say, “Poo-poo, that’s not possible. And haven’t many of their own people died?” Yes, right, Lots of Chinese have died as a result of this virus. But that doesn’t mean the communist Chinese GOVERNMENT didn’t start it. The Chinese people are good people and smart. Asiatic students continue to excel. The same cannot be said for their communist masters, who will stop at NOTHING if they think it will work. Their love for their own people is shown by the fact that some Chinese mortuaries are cremating people still ALIVE because they figure they aren’t going to survive and just want to get rid of the bodies as soon as possible. Don’t tell me that’s just a rumor. Such rumors in the past have proven to be true, and you have to consider the way communists think. AG Barr thinks so, and he’s taking actions to fight it. And he has access to information we do not. (Just common sense)

Talk About Gun control

What the hell is WRONG with these people who think the way to self defense is to make yourself defenseless? The very first thing “authorities” tried to do after a private citizen stopped a would-be mass killer, ending his wish to kill a few innocent people in a Fort Worth church, was to make a law preventing such people from being armed in church. STUPID! If that man had not been there with his legally-carried gun, the training and the will to use it, many more people would have died when that fool came in with his ILLEGAL gun and started shooting. The first thing they think of in such cases is to take away the right to carry LEGAL guns while ignoring the ILLEGAL guns people bring in, ignoring their silly little laws. If you are contemplating a much more serious crime like mass murder, you certainly aren’t going to be concerned about violating a silly little law that says you can’t be armed when you do it. When they do this, they reveal themselves. They are against SELF DEFENSE, and the gun is just the symbol of it. They just don’t want us to be able to defend ourselves, period. So that later, when they send their minions in to take our property they won’t run into as many guns in the hands of their intended victims. They know the first thing you have to do before victimizing your citizens is to disarm as many as you can. Hitler knew that. Stalin, Castro, and all other despots knew it, too. And each was responsible for many killings, sometimes numbering in the millions, who had no defense, since their despots had disarmed the law-abiding. (Just common sense)

No Gun, Killed Anyway

This guy didn’t have a gun to use in his mass killing spree, so he stabbed eight people to death before he was stopped. At least we think he was stopped. This happened in China, where NO citizens are allowed to have guns unless they work for the government, or have an “in” with a politician. They SAY he was “arrested,” but no further details are coming out. This situation shows graphically what I’ve been saying for a long time: if a killer can’t get a gun, he’ll use something else. As this guy did. And eight people are dead because he thought his wife has cheated on him, so he got drunk and killed eight innocent people with a KNIFE. That’s in a country where legal guns are almost non-existent, except for government employees or those who have purchased the right from corrupt officials. Yet this man successfully murdered eight innocent people. Yet the anti-gun fools in our country and others take no note of this, and keep making more and more laws restricting the law-abiding from having the means for self defense. This is silly. The way to self defense is NOT to disarm yourself. This COUNTRY will not disarm itself, but it disarms its honest citizens making them defenseless, while ignoring the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there. (New York Post)

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Worse Than the Pandemic

We’re causing more trouble for ourselves than any pandemic could by our main response to this Coronavirus. Yes, “distance ourselves” to avoid being infected. Wash our hands often for 20 seconds or more, and don’t touch our faces (although I can’t see how we can do that, since touching our faces often is such an automatic thing to do). But DO NOT KILL THE ECONOMY. If we’re diligent in staying at a distance from people while being careful not to infect others by coughing or sneezing on them, we can kill this virus and get things back to normal. But if we keep the economy down long enough, we will kill it—and that can be a lasting disaster. This country was built on the free market and a thriving economy. Without either, this country will flounder and fail, which will be a “death knell” to most of us as this country descends into riots and food wars and looting, just to stay alive. We will have squandered the economy that has caused millions, from all over the world, to have America as their “destination of choice,” seeing it as a country with “streets lined with gold,” to a country that is second to whichever nation suffers less. We cannot afford to do that to our economy, as we’ve been working to do with all the “stay at home” orders that keep the customers OUT of the stores—which will wreck our economy if it continues for much longer. That, my friends, will kill many more people than this virus. (Just common sense)

We Do All the Wrong Things

What the hell is wrong with politicians? Somebody with an illegal gun shoots a place up and the politicians in charge rush to make the average individual defenseless against the next one. The way to self defense is NOT to disarm yourself! But they never learn this. They always target LEGAL gun owners whenever something happens, when legal gun owners are NOT the problem. ILLEGAL gun owners ARE. So what the hell good does taking guns away from honest people do? The answer is nothing. Nada. The end result is getting more innocent people killed through the ignorant actions of those politicians. The other day a shooter in Canada was responsible for the deaths of 18 people, until “good guys with guns” could arrive and kill the shooter. So what does Trudeau do? He announces an increased push for more gun control. Nobody knows what kind of gun was used, but the immediate action was to work harder to get an “assault weapon” ban passed—and there will be more. Count on it. Despots and would-be despots are uncomfortable with an armed populace, and they can use this atrocity as an impetus to pass more gun control. (Bearing Arms)

Gun Grabbers Getting Cocky

They’re celebrating the fact that Dumocrats have “taken over” the House and they think that’s going to make it easier for them to pass their useless, unenforceable anti-gun fool laws. A “Gabby Giffords associate” has actually said so. Robyn Thomas, executive director of the Giffords Law Center (a real official name for a bunch of fools, that) says, “This will be a good year for gun control.” She really thinks their foolish attempts at lawmaking will actually DO something to reduce “gun crime.” How Gabby finds these fools who are as silly and stupid as she is, I don’t know. It must be mental illness to be so completely blind to reality. The reality that none of their laws work worth a damn. One of the most useless is their “universal background check,” which is “just the beginning,” according to Thomas. Background checks only do anything if the criminal bought his gun legally and actually stood for one, which a majority of people who want to use their guns to do ill do NOT do. The very use of that dumb kid, David Hogg, as a spokesman, shows their ignorance by having someone so ignorant with such a big mouth represent their views. It makes it obvious that they can’t find an INTELLIGENT spokesman. (Just common sense)

Monday, April 20, 2020

Acosta's Going Bananas

He’s now saying that President Trump is only saying communist China is at fault for the Coronavirus, using them as a scapegoat to cover up his own responsibility for the fast rise of the virus. What a damned fool he is! When the virus was just beginning, President Trump was a little busy responding to the efforts of the Dumocrats to impeach him on phony charges. To suggest he had anything to with it is sheer stupidity. But then, we know CNN’s Acosta is stupid. He thinks sniping at the president will mean a career advancement for him, and he’s wrong. If he hopes that advancement will come at CNN he will have another think coming. The way CNN’s ratings are tanking because of people like Acosta, soon there won’t be a CNN to give him a career advancement. Acosta calls himself a “reporter,” but that’s not what he is. He’s a left-wing activist disguised as a reporter. And not a very good one at either. President Trump has “eaten his lunch” on many occasions, and if he continues on this course, he will many times more. Acosta just doesn’t understand tht he isn’t even in the same class as Trump. Trump at least has class, while Acosta dies not. Acosta is like most Dumocrats. They all think they are somehow superior to the rest of us, but they’re all too stupid to understand they are not. Stupid people never realize just how stupid they are, and think they’re better than everybody else. Then they can’t understand why they get their lunch eaten so often. (Steadfast Loyalty)

Outlaw Lawmakers

How do you describe an outlaw? That’s easy. An outlaw violates laws. Nancy Peelosi, the outlaw who runs the House in the US Congress, has announced that the House will pass many anti-gun laws this session. Never mind most of them will die in the Senate, where “wiser heads” prevail. But the very act of passing them makes the House an “outlaw chamber.” Because they have to know that EVERY anti-gun law they pass violates the Constitution, to which every law made MUST conform, or it is NOT a law. The Founders foresaw the rise of would-be despots, since they were in the process of getting themselves out from under one when they wrote the Constitution. They knew that if politicians were allowed to disarm the populace, they would BECOME despots. Nancy, and all the other politicians who support laws to disarm Americans and make them defenseless against all ILLEGALLY-armed law-breakers are, themselves, law-breakers. Such politicians need to be voted out of office, where they can no longer violate the rights of law-abiding Americans, making it easier for the Law-breakers to victimize them. And then we need to stop electing that kind of politician to office. (Just common sense)

Who Do You Call?

The “logic” of anti-gun fools is impenetrable. When confronted with a criminal who has a gun, what do you do? Call for a “good guy” who has a gun. Don’t try and have your own gun so you can do what that “good guy” with a gun would do if he could get there in time. Leave it to the cops. They won’t get there until long after the crime, but they’re good at documenting your murder and getting rid of the body. They have so much experience, you see. They’re the FIRST ones to tell you they CAN’T protect you because they’re ALWAYS minutes away while the bad guy is THERE! NOW! The ones "in the trenches," that is, Not the police politicians at the top. But if you have your own gun you might “go crazy” and shoot up the place. They trust cops (who go nuts more often than legal gun carriers) but they don’t trust YOU with a gun. There IS no logic in liberal land. They deny its very EXISTENCE. That way, they don’t have to be bound by it. (Just common sense)

Friday, April 17, 2020

Bat Meat or Lab?

The evidence is growing that communist China purposely allowed the Coronavirus to “escape” for their own purposes. A major purpose is to enlarge their sway over world events and their control over the doings of other countries. The virus has caused more economic damage than a world war, and weakened many countries, both militarily and economically. The less money you have, the fewer “instruments of war” you can buy. Word was it appeared first in that infamous “wet market” in Wuhan. Then word was it came from that lab in communist China. I think it was both. I think it came out of the lab and was then first introduced into the public in that market, which, with its less-than-good cleanliness standards, was an excellent place to start the spread. That the virus killed many Chinese doesn’t mean a thing to the Chinese communists. They care not about those who died. They figure they have too many people, anyway, and the virus is a good way to reduce their population. Taking military action to advance their influence is dangerous. They could lose more than they want to lose. But a biological “invasion” is difficult to defend against, AND know for sure it even WAS an “invasion.” That sounds like something they would come up with. They can call this racism all they want, as they did when people first told us it came from China, but I don’t care. I tell the truth, and let the chips fall where they may. (Just common sense)

Bureaucratic Stalling

The Dumocrats are angry because Donald Trump defeated their darling candidate, Hillary Clinton. I understand that. But that is no excuse for blocking everything it’s possible for them to block through bureaucratic stalling. There is a daily scam to oppose every appointment the president makes, You know about the circus they forced now Justice Kavanaugh to go through with false accusations of sexual misconduct way back when he was in college. Accusations based on NOTHING. Witnesses came forward and told them they saw NO sexual misconduct on his part, at any time. The ACCUSER couldn’t remember if it was Kavanaugh or somebody else, entirely. She was too drunk. But Trump finally prevailed, after many unnecessary delays and much money spent to pay the salaries of all those sitting around watching. What you don’t know is, this is going on, every day, as Trump tries his best to fill hundreds of positions in government. Positions that are essential to the effective running of the government. One example: the man he appointed to get Radio Free America back under control, has waited TWO YEARS to be approved, and he has not yet been approved. And there are many others still waiting for the approval of their appointments, while the jobs they should be doing go undone. There’s no excuse for this TOTAL opposition to everything he does, which would make an ordinary politician give up and walk away with tears in his eyes. But Trump keeps “running circles around” the Dumocrats in spite of their almost complete opposition to everything he does. (Washington Post)

Don't See A Shrink

They’re using that as an excuse to remove the right to have a gun from honest Americans. If you see a shrink for ANY reason, even something simple and non-threatening like peeing your pants, they take away your right to have a gun. At least that’s one of Obama’s new “regulations.” It’s the same thing they’re using on vets who seek help for ANY reason to keep them from being able to have guns. This is but one of the phony “reasons” Obama’s thugs will cite for depriving good Americans of their right to keep their guns for self-defense while criminals, who obey neither laws NOR regulations, continue to be illegally armed. These actions do NOTHING to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, but it gives the politicians the means to say “We’re doing something.” Meanwhile, You are being disarmed if you obey laws. They SAY the cops can protect you, but the cops will be the first to admit they CAN’T. So what do you do? Buy a gun illegally as criminals do, and become a criminal yourself? (Just common sense)

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Won't Let You Sing

But they’ll kill your baby for you. In Mendocino, California, they have banned singing in church unless the services are virtual services and the singers are at home. Meanwhile, California has deemed boozing, liquor stores, and killing babies as “essential services,” I begin to wonder at the SANITY of the politicians making those decisions. I’ve never looked upon baby murder as an “essential service” any time. And I look at politicians who support it as murderers. There are way too many politicians taking too many liberties with our rights, using the Coronavirus as an excuse, most of them Dumocrats. Dumocrats are having a field day violating our constitutional rights in many areas. One of the most evident are what they’re doing about our Second Amendment rights. You can’t take away a constitutional right because of a panic or a national emergency. There is no logical reason to ban the legal use of firearms during this pandemic, but they continue to assert false logic. They think legal gun owners will “shoot up the landscape” if they’re allowed to have guns. Not so. It is the ILLEGAL gun owners who would, and will, every day. (Daily Headlines)

Can Biden Win?

I don’t think so. He has shown way too many times that he not only doesn’t know what he’s doing now, he doesn’t even know where he is. He can hardly put together a complete sentence without at least one major gaffe. He has to be led from place to place by one of his staff. Dumocrats are “grooming us” to accept NY Gov. Cuomo in his place. they’ve finally gotten rid of that socialist monster (Thank God!). At least they think they have. But he’s keeping his delegates, even though he has “suspended” his campaign. Note: he hasn’t quit, just “paused.” He will be right there if Biden “bites the bullet” and does something to really end his campaign without a planned backup. Cuomo has been getting a lot of free TV “face time” lately, disguised as “virus updates.” One wonders why he’s allowed so much free air time and other governors are not. Dumocrats still think they can win because they have been able to control most of the information allowed out, since they control the liberal media. But they never counted on the sheer volume of Trump’s “good deeds” they can’t cover up because thy have meant more money in their pockets, right now. Not in the distant future when they’re all dead, anyway. (Just common sense)