Tuesday, March 24, 2020

It's Not the Virus

The Coronavirus is a frightening thing—because the liberal media has made it that way. The result is that we are committing economic suicide while trying to fight a pandemic. The Coronavirus pandemic will be over soon, but the economic effect of all the “shutdowns” enacted “to slow the progression of the disease” will have had a disastrous effect on this country. Many businesses will fold from lack of business. In spite of Trump’s feeble efforts in giving each American $1,000.00 of someone else’s money, soon there will be no money left for people to use in buying anything, which will lead to the biggest depression we’ve ever seen. A depression to make the original look insipid. And pumping more money into the economy by repeating Trump’s $1,000 bucks to everybody will not help, because that just is not enough to make a dent in the problem. In order to bring the economy back, it will need a lot more money in private hands than that, and it will just not be there. We will have committed economic suicide to avoid a physical pandemic. And we will be finished. I’ll be dead by then. Will you? Or will you have to suffer through what will be coming? (Just common sense)

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