Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Critizing Trump for Criticizing

Trump is criticizing Dumocrat candidates running to replace him in his job. Surprise, surprise! Dumocrats don’t like it. As if they had not spent the last three years flinging the most vile criticisms at Trump. I guess they think only they are allowed to criticize. The word I hear most often in Dumocrat criticisms is “incompetence.” What they base that on is a mystery because Trump is the most COMPETENT president we’ve had recently. He has done more for this country than all recent presidents combined, Reagan excepted. More than all Dumocrat presidents, certainly. Until the Coronavirus intervened, the Stock Market was hitting record highs mostly daily. Unemployment is lower than it has EVER been. All the Dumocrats can do is holler “bubble!” Claiming we are due for “the biggest recession ever.” Something they have no figures to back up, of course, but which they still claim. One Dumocrat said that if we continued to investigate Biden and his son and sister’s finances, they would open a “scorched Earth investigation” of Trump’s kids—as if there was anything to investigate. But they’re sorely frightened we will find what the Bidens have been hiding so they threaten Trump’s very existence if he doesn’t stop investigating before he finds it. (Just common sense)

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