Friday, March 6, 2020

Anti-Self Defense

If one looks carefully at every anti-gun law now on the books in many states, and in the process of being passed into law in many others, one can only come to one conclusion: those laws are NOT “anti-gun” so much as they are “anti-self defense.” Each one of them is designed to make it harder, or impossible for a law-abiding person to get his/her gun in action fast enough to oppose an ILLEGALLY-armed criminal, who is not bothered to obey such laws. First off is the “gun-free zone” where the law-abiding leave their guns at home, while lawbreakers freely use theirs there to victimize them. “Safe Storage Laws” likewise make it hard, or impossible to get the guns in action while they do nothing to stop holders of ILLEGAL guns. Limited magazine size gets the law-abiding killed while reloading, while law breakers have no such problems. Background checks only list people who get their guns LEGALLY, ignoring those who get them ILLEGALLY. In fact, EVERY one of those laws apply ONLY to those who OBEY laws, and those are not the people who are the problem. I could go on and on, but my point is made. (Just common sense)

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