Thursday, July 17, 2014

You Can't Trust Putin

Is it “unthinkable” that Russia would shoot down a PASSENGER airliner over the Ukraine?  Unfortunately, with the communist disdain got human life, it’s NOT impossible; it’s even LIKELY. Putin is one of the “old guard” of communists who were in powerful positions in the old Soviet Union. These people PROVED their disdain for the lives of the PEOPLE “under their thumb, They murdered them by the MILLIONS. In spite of the “collapse” of the Soviet Union (a scam designed to put us to sleep that was very successful, as our politicians still BELIEVE it was a “collapse,” even though the SAME PEOPLE are still in charge). So is it unusual to believe they would shoot down a CIVILIAN airliner to prove a point? The only difference between communists and terrorists is that communists usually have a real REASON to kill innocent people while terrorists do not. (Fox News)

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