Saturday, July 12, 2014

No Reparation for Slavery

Liberals say we need to “pay reparations” to blacks to atone for slavery. That’s a LUDICROUS suggestion. Nobody who held slaves is still alive, and people who are now alive aren’t, in any way, responsible for slavery. All that is, is yet another scheme to con more money out of us by “tugging at our heart-strings.” I know I wasn’t responsible for slavery, and I don’t know ANY of my ancestors who were slave-holders, either. In fact, I’m pretty sure some of them fought to FREE the slaves. Slavery, in fact, is still going on all over the world, and I think this is the first country to make slavery illegal. Our government pays many people handsomely to come up with more, and better ways to suck more money out of us. This is an old idea that has been tried unsuccessfully, before, and for good reason. Like taxing cow farts, it should be ignored. (CNN, of course)


Anonymous said...

"...and I think this is the first country to make slavery illegal."

You are right. Have you seen D'Souza's 'America'? It is fantastic. I have seen it twice now. You see it once and you want to see it again. I then decided to buy his book as well and will buy the DVD when it comes out. Do go see it, even if you never go to movies like me.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: I plan on seeing it, as well as "2016." Without all the liberal screams, I may not have bothered, but I want to see what all the screaming is about. that screaming might have tripled the number of Americans seeing this movie and buying the book. I hope liberals never learn that lesson.

Anonymous said...

You will like it. D'Souza has done a really good job.