Wednesday, July 2, 2014

NOAA "Tweaks" Climate Data

Al Gore still says “Climate science is settled science.” Turns out there “ain’t no such a thing.” Climate scientists are constantly “tweaking” climate science in order to make themselves look better and to preserve money sources. “It has recently come to light that the NOAA has been tweaking climate data from the past in order to better fit this data into its most current models of global climate change. For some time, the NOAA pegged July 2012 as the hottest month on record. But recently this ‘honor’ reverted to July 1936 when the NOAA tweaked its climate model. In other words, the NOAA ‘interprets’ the data of the past according to its most recent methods for collecting climate data, and, as the methods change, so does the data. At any given time, purportedly ‘hard’ data from the past can magically change based on the model du jour at the NOAA.” So the hottest month in history (as AlGore has touted to the skies) ISN’T July 2012, but is July 1936! Which makes a LOT of difference in the global warming swindle. AlGore is not pleased. (Last Resistance)

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