Monday, July 7, 2014

They're Scared to Death

The left tried to stop the effect of Dinesh D-Souza’s first movie, “2016” by ignoring it. It didn’t work, and the film made $33 million dollars—quite a lot for an “INDIE” film. They thought they had “dealt with him” by slandering him into a phony “criminal action” in court. But it didn’t even slow him down. Now he’s coming out with another film, “America,” which apparently has them “scared silly.” They’re trying to hurt it by giving it nasty, lying reviews. But it is becoming “too big, too quickly” for them to ignore as they did with his first one. One of them says D-Souza is saying that, “:Between Obama and Hillary, the White House was being run by the Devil.” I don’t think he actually said it, but if he did, that’s about as close to the truth as you can get. Their attempts to demonize his film notwithstanding, Instead of hurting him, actually are HELPING him. A lot of people who would not normally go to see it are now going to do so, including me—and I don’t go and see many movies, as a rule. (World Net Daily)

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