Thursday, July 3, 2014

Obama USING Children

He’s using CHILDREN from several South American countries to DESTROY our border control by INVITING them to come here and guaranteeing them that if they step ONE FOOT on U. S. Soil, they won’t be sent home. Then by giving them all kinds of free services, “dumping them” on several communities, and when those communities object, painting them as “child-haters” and vilifying them in the liberal “compliant” media. These children are being SENT here from thousands of miles away by bus, and on top of trains, and “dumped” at the border, with instructions to get across the border any way they can, and they will be safe from being returned home. These hordes of children, after being “accepted” by our government, will then be used to promote the ides that we MUST allow their parents to come in too, so as to not separate those “poor children” from their parents. It’s a scheme and a scam to increase the number of illegal aliens that are “allowed” by our government, to enter and stay. When we object, they will paint us as “horrible people” who want to hurt children. (Just common sense)

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