Thursday, July 10, 2014

A "Plague of Locusts"

Whoever hatched the scheme to send THOUSANDS of unaccompanied CHILDREN and have them enter the United States must have been reading that passage from the Bible about a “plague of locusts.” For that’s just what they ARE. They KNEW we would have a BIG problem with sending them back when they paid to transport them to the border on top of TRAINS, among other methods. And SOMEBODY paid for it. It didn’t just “happen.” It wasn’t an accident. And with Obama’s dithering about what to do, they were more successful than they even imagined. Now Obama, instead of trying to find a SOLUTION to the problem, wants to spend $4 BILLION DO;LLARS of OUR money to feed and house them for the foreseeable future,. while presuming on citizens to lodge them in their homes. Something the constitution prohibits him from doing with soldiers. (Just common sense)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In January government put out job ads for recruiting companies to transport illegal allies children. This means obama planned this!