Monday, July 14, 2014

Getting Frustrated

I’m really getting frustrated. I now spend ALL my time trying to WAKE UP Americans to the dangers presented by the LIBERAL “cancer” that is growing in our midst. But nobody who can DO something about it seems interested in the TRUTH. Yes, I hear from a FEW people who have been “paying some attention” to what the liberals are doing to them, but so far, very little has been done about it. The liberals TELL US who scares them to death, by going out of their way to vilify them, and we (not me) buy their BS. Sarah Palin is one of the very best possible Republican candidates for president in 2016, but Democrats AND Republicans have just about DESTROYED her as a possible candidate by LYING prodigiously about her, continuously. Even good conservatives (like my doctor) now believe she is too extreme because she “tells in like it is,” not as they would like it to be. Both sides are frightened of her, but for different reasons. The Democrats because she can upset their whole applecart, and the Republicans because THEY want the presidency for there own people. (Just common sense)

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