Monday, June 30, 2014

What Changed?

Way back when, you could buy an “automatic weapon” in any hardware store for about $15. In those days there were NO “mass shootings.” Today, you can hardly get one legally, ANYWHERE. Now crazies are going into “Gun Free Zones” everywhere and killing people. What is different now than then? Guns are hard for HONEST people who OBEY laws to get. So more and more of them were disarmed. Back then, every kid had his “squirrel gun” and could “bark a squirrel” at 20 paces or more. The first would-be "school shooter" was shot to ribbons by every boy in the room. Today, kids only know guns as TOYS. They’ve never been told that if they point one at somebody and pull the trigger, they won’t have to say, “BANG.” The gun will do it for them as it kills whomever it is pointed at. The biggest mistake we ever made was in NOT teaching kids about guns. I remember a time when I was a kid, getting into my dad’s closet and finding a gun. Fortunately, it wasn’t loaded and I never thought to play with it. So I never killed anybody. Not so with many other kids, ignorant of how dangerous they can be to play with. (Aurora Sentinel)

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