Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Americans Gone Stupid!

They had a party at one college recently. It was a “Fiji Islander” theme and got shut down because the theme “might” offend somebody. A school actually called the cops because a student had a BB gun in his CAR OUTSIDE the school grounds; another suspended a student because he :”made a gun” with his finger and pointed it at a fellow student. And Seattle has now passed an ordinance creating a MINIMUM WAGE of $15 an hour for entry-level positions! Meanwhile, the federal government is trying to pass a law mandating a $10.10 an hour minimum wage all over the country. Do they WANT to destroy employment opportunities for kids just entering the work force with NO discernible talents or abilities? Do they EVER consider the unintended consequences of their actions? Or do they just not care as long as they get to tell others what they can and can’t do? I could continue on and on about similar stupidities, but I don’t think there’s enough paper or computer memory in existence to list them all. (Just common sense)

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