Sunday, June 1, 2014

"Black-On-Black" Murders

People who should know are now saying that if you take the “black-on-black” gun violence (including gang violence) out of the picture, gun violence will almost disappear. And “black-on-black gang killings” are at the top of that list. But liberals don’t want us to know that, and they’re “in denial” about it They’ll call me a racist for pointing this out, regardless of the fact it IS true. But they’re the MORONS in this; morons for refusing to accept this simple fact and insisting on acting on their own erroneous picture of the world. I just can’t understand how such people get elected to important offices in I certainly don’t vote for them, and I’m sure intelligent people don’t either. The big problem is that there are way too many people voting to elect them to “keep the goodies coming” when they’re so OBVIOUSLY incompetent. (Minuteman News)

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