Sunday, June 29, 2014

First It Was Cow Farts...

Now they’re doing “research” into how to reduce the effect of SHEEP farts (which means new taxes, of course). As if that wasn’t silly enough. They already charge ranchers a “fee” for each cow they have, figuring every one will fart a certain number of times. It’s a blueprint for them to figure out how to tax sheep farts, too. What’s next? Are they going to start charging dog owners a “fee” figuring each DOG farts a certain number of times a day? The government has a lot of people collecting handsome salaries to sit at their desks and come up with new and even more ridiculous ways to gouge more and more money out of us. We’ve always used “taxing air” as a means of describing some of the stupid ways they use to con us out of money; but this comes as close to it as any I’ve seen, so far. How stupid do they REALLY think we are? (Daily Caller)

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