Monday, June 16, 2014

Swat Raid for Tall Grass

Is it just me, or are the cops going way too far in their efforts to “enforce the law?” seems to me a militarized SWAT team raid because of grass too high and too close the road is a bit much. The cops CLAIM the reason for their raid is that SOMEBODY (they won’t tell us who) told them there was pot being raised there. Of course, they found none, but did “confiscate” (steal) 17 blackberry bushes, 15 Okra plants, 14 tomato plants, and a lot of natural grasses and wildflowers after holding the owners at GUNPOINT for at least a half-hour. All this for what turned out to be “code violations” and they claim the owners still owe $4,000 in “fines (extortion).” The cops didn’t show a search warrant until TWO HOURS after the raid commenced (which is a crime in itself) and the cops involved covered up their name tags so they could not be identified, a SIGNAL that they knew what they were doing was ILLEGAL. What’s next? A SWAT team raid using military tactics for crossing the street in the middle of the block? Or for throwing a gum wrapper on the street? Maybe for polluting the air if you fart. (Truth and Action)

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