Friday, June 27, 2014

Obama Just "Out of It"

He’s incompetent. He never knows what’s going on. Every time something happens in the world, he’s “blindsided.” He learns of things “the same way we do—in the news media.” That’s not how it’s supposed to be for the president of the United States of America. He’s supposed to be “on top of things.” His “morning briefing” is supposed to keep him informed so he can react to things that happen, but he doesn’t bother to LISTEN to his morning briefing. In addition, he has put such stringent limits on his intelligence systems that it’s impossible for them to HELP him keep up on things. Therefore, he’s the last to know when something important happens in the world. This guy is the laziest president there has ever been—except when it comes to his “signature legislation,” Obamacare, and all the other things he has put into operation to limit our freedoms and give him more power over us. We need to find someone who is COMPETENT to run this government; someone who is not bent on changing this from a free market nation to a socialist (collectivist) nation. (Minutemen News)

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