Monday, June 2, 2014

WashPo Gone Screwy

I’ve known the Washington Post is one of the biggest parts of the liberal news-diverting spectrum, for a while, but until now, I didn’t know just how screwy and out-of-touch with reality they really were. Imagine this: a NEWSPAPER talking up “Sharia-style” limits on “hate speech.” Especially limits on what can be said that Islam doesn’t like. Or what Obama doesn’t like. What are they SMOKING these days? When you give ANYBODY the right to limit what people may say based on “hate speech,” you give hem he right to DECIDE what IS “hate speech. Thus, you STIFLE criticism of an outfit that NEEDS criticism. WashPo knows better than this, so why are they doing it? Did somebody get to their bosses with enough money? Or did somebody uncover something sufficiently damaging to them that they dare NOT oppose them? Or do they just want to eliminate competition from the Internet? Notice the name of the author of the Washpo article sounds very much like a Muslim. (Freedom Outpost)

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