Sunday, August 18, 2013

What's WRONG With These People?

Canadian police forced a Jewish clergyman to cancel a speech to be made by Pamela Geller, well-known anti-Islam truth-teller. Of course, that didn’t stop her and she went elsewhere (still inn Canada) with her speech. One of the cops involved was the head of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Bureau which, translated, is Canada’s “PC Police.” His entire job is to stifle free speech if the “powers that be” didn’t like that speech. But freedom of speech is not entirely gone in Canada, Sharia Law notwithstanding.. Charges have been filed against this cop and the police chief that backed him, although I wonder if they will go anywhere. They say she talks about things that “do not reflect the values of this police department.” What? She talks about truth, Iskamic Jew-hating, and honor killing. What part of that is against their “values?” The head of this department is, himself, a Muslim and has known connections with Islamic terrorist organizations. Reason enough in his mind. (Freedom Outpost)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since when do people have to tailor their speech to meet the "values" of some friggin' police department???