Thursday, August 1, 2013

Radical Muslims "Advising" FBI

“Judicial Watch recently released hundreds of pages of FBI memos and other documents revealing that, in 2012, the agency purged its anti-terrorism training curricula of material determined by an undisclosed group of “Subject Matter Experts” (SME) to be “offensive” to Muslims. The excised material included references linking the Muslim Brotherhood to terrorism, tying al-Qaeda to the 1993 World Trade Center and Khobar Towers bombings, and suggesting that “young male immigrants of Middle Eastern appearance … may fit the terrorist profile best.” Since when do we allow the enemy to dictate to us how we train our FBI agents? That’s like in WWII allowing the Nazis to tell us how to train our agents, scrubbing the training of ANY mention of Nazis or Fascists. This is further proof that with Obama “in charge,” we’re BOUND to lose to the Muslim extremists. As I write this, I wonder: will ANYBODY react to it? (Creeping Sharia)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"This is further proof that with Obama “in charge,” we’re BOUND to lose to the Muslim extremists."

It certainly IS proof!

As to the question, "Will anyone react to it", my bet is NO! Republicans these days are so RINO that they have no b---s!