Saturday, August 24, 2013

Nonexistent Fuel Additives Required

The government REQUIRES fuel companies to add a certain percent of “cellulosic biofuels” to your gasoline. Cellulosic biofuels do not exist outside of the laboratory. And they FINE them for not using this NONEXISTENT additive. What a FARCE that is. That’s evidence of the massive INCOMPETENCE of government—or of the DISHONESTY of government to collect fines for not adding a NONEXISTENT additive thing TO YOUR FUEL. Fuel companies just add the cost of those fines to the cost of your fuel which means YOU pay this UNNECESSARY charge. That’s how they con you out of even MORE money. There is no telling how many more such scams this government is using to con you out of money. They need to be "brought up short." (Energy Citizens)

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