Thursday, August 22, 2013

ObamaCare Is Anti-Gun

One of the relatively unknown provisions in Obama’s health care swindle law is the one causing the removal of gun rights from ANYONE ever diagnosed with PSTD; people who have served honorably in our armed services carrying guns and killing our enemies—heroes. But Obama wants to take away their right to have and carry a gun in their own self-defense after returning home safe. Most people who suffer from PTSD never do anything violent, but that makes no difference to Obama—it’s an EXCUSE to take guns away from a large segment of our population, the very ones who USED government-issued guns to defend our rights. (GOA)


Anonymous said...

I think obama especially wants to take guns away from vets expressly because they are so well trained in the use of firearms and he knows they do not cotton much to him. They will stand on the side of We The People. As usual, whatever obama does is all about him and his agenda to destroy this country.

Doctors will be required to report people who are on anxiety medications, too. Any excuse....

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: I think you're right. But he forgets these people can get guns any time they want, if they want to become criminals.