Tuesday, August 6, 2013

"She Was Dressed Provocatively"

Of course, that gives any man the right to rape her. That’s the excuse given by a CAIR member who picked up a 12-year-old girl, had her smoke pot with him, then took her home and had sex with her. That is NOT an excuse for having sex with a 12-year-old girl in ANY case. I don’t care if she was walking NAKED and gave him oral sex, right there on the street. She’s a CHILD! And the Islamic proclivity for having sex with children is well known. He claims, “she seduced me.” Poor baby! Is he so easily manipulated he would have sex with a CHILD, knowing it’s a FELONY? Children aren’t responsible at that age. Adults are expected to know better. But from what this fool was taught, he thought he could get away with it, using those feeble excuses. Maybe in his home country, under Sharia Law, he could have. He should have known that Sharia Law means NOTHING in this country, and never will. (Creeping Sharia)

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