Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Typical Democrat Ploy

And it was accomplished by well-known members of the media, which is well known to be the Democrat Party Newsletter. They searched the Internet to see what they could find, and without any attempt to check further, “discovered” a similar name on a Tea Party web site and immediately went on the air with it. George Stephanopolous, the anchor, (the man who LIED to his own diary when he was a Democrat politician), allowed it on the air without fact checking and it was Brian Ross who found it. Both Ross and Stephanopolous should be fired summarily and blackballed from ever working in the media again. Will it happen? Nope. ABC will make a flimsy “apology” and “speak harshly” to them, but that’s all that will happen because ABC’s top management think like they do. (The Examiner)

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