Thursday, August 16, 2012

Muslims Beat Reporter for Reporting On Them

They tried unsuccessfully to amputate a man’s hand under Sharia Law and he reported it. So they beat the hell out of him. For criticizing them. That seems to be okay under Sharia Law. Remember, this is the “religion of peace.” Even our PRESIDENT has said so. The same people who MURDER their daughters for going out with the “wrong man.” This is “peace.” Actually, under their definition of peace, all you have to do to attain peace is convert to Islam and do what they say. And don’t criticize Islam. For anything. For any reason. They’ll beat the hell out of you at the least. Sometimes they even KILL you. When are those who can DO something going to recognize this “religion” for what it is: a political system MASQUERADING as a religion so they can go after anybody who criticizes them as “anti-Islam” and against their “religion”for "religious oppression" when they're the biggest "religious oppressors" out there. They won't allow ANY other religion in countries they control. (Creeping Sharia)

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