Saturday, August 18, 2012

The First True thing From Obama

 Truly, this is the first true thing Obama has said. He has an ad out now saying this election is “between two different visions” for our country, and he’s right. His vision of socialism with the government running EVERYTHING and supporting ALL, while taking as much from PRODUCERS as possible to finance it, and Romney’s vision of independent initiative, individual ACHIEVEMENT, and freedom of their own choice to make their own decisions in life. Adults are a lot smarter than he thinks, and smarter than ALL liberals (which is opposite to what they think). It is about the difference between collectivism (which involves STEALING from the producer and giving, unearned, to the non-producer) and individualism (which involves doing things for YOURSELF while not demanding “a portion” of what OTHERS earn). If Obama is re-elected, we will get collectivism. If Romney is elected, we will (hopefully) get individual initiative and rights. What Romney is promising is what we’ve experienced for hundreds of years: the free market. Which has made us the destination of choice for people wishing to better themselves, versus what the Soviet Union had for 70 years, and which recently FAILED. He wants AMERICA to be communism’s new “showcase country.” The free market has allowed us to eclipse countries that have existed for thousands of years, in little more than 300 years of our existence. Which do YOU want? (Just common sense)

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