Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Of COURSE GOP's Pushing It!

Nobody else WILL! The Democrats are saying it’s political (the Fast & Furious scandal) because only the Republicans are pushing it. WRONG! There were many Democrats pushing it. And we can't expect the Democrats (as an organization) to push it because it's THEIR scandal. They say it all started in the Bush administration. WRONG! Bush started something SIMILAR, and STOPPED IT when it was found the dope pushers were removing the GPS senders from the guns. Obama picked up the failed program and “ran with it,” but with many changes. First, there were NO GPS units in the guns. They didn’t even TRY to trace where the guns went. They assured the gun dealers what they were doing was legal (they were working WITH the government) and they’d be okay. Now they’re saying the gun dealers are at fault and are giving them a hard time. The ATF and other agencies were told NOT to impede the movement of the guns in any way. Bush started a very different program, with even a different name, and concealed GPS units in each gun so they could trace their movement, to find and catch drug dealers. Obama picked it up to “prove” that the Democrat theory that most guns south of the border came from the United States was correct so they could make more and tighter anti-gun laws (a typical Obama con). That didn’t work when the whole program was discovered after that Border Patrol Agent was killed, using provably one of the guns traded in the program. Now the Obama administration is in “damage control,” and if the Republicans REALLY do their jobs, this scandal should be the thing that finally SINKS Obama. I certainly hope so. (Just common sense)


Ray Thomas said...

Anon: I hope so, too. People aren't stupid, just not paying attention. And the polls? They take them in the New York Times lobby. And NYT wants Obama to win. Liberals CONTROL the polls. NEVER believe them!

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to media that actually reported the news as it happened rather than just their slant on it? We have no journalism anymore.

Ray Thomas said...


That went away when liberals took over the education of our youngsters.