Tuesday, August 14, 2012

"More Flexibility"

Obama actually thinks he will be re-elected and that after he is, he will have “more flexibility.” He’s right about “more flexibility.” He will have a lot of it but it won't matter because he will be sent back to Illinois to obscurity. Putin thinks he will continue to have a communist “comrade” in the White House so he can “run” the United States by proxy. Something previous Russian dictators dreamed of being able to do. What is there about Obama being a committed communist that Americans can’t seem to accept? Just because people like Putin are working to make us think “communism is dead” in Russia doesn’t mean it is. After “the collapse” of communism in Russia, the same people remained in office. They just told us they “were not communists any longer.” But they WERE “socialists,” which is almost the same thing—only cosmetic differences. Obama was BORN a communist, RAISED a communist, and TAUGHT to be a communist all his life. Why can’t Americans BELIEVE he IS? If we keep him around and allow him to continue to make the rules for us, soon he will be our “president for life” and it will be too late. Wake UP, America! Get RID of this “cancer” on our country. Start “paying attention to politics” or communism WILL “take over” in America. Don’t EVER think “it can’t happen here.” It can. That’s what they thought in Germany when Hitler was consolidating his power while planning to murder Jews. Thanks to my sis Patti for this. (YouTube)


Anonymous said...

"Obama IS a Marxist. That is simply a fact of understanding what words mean."

Man, you must really hate having black people in the WHite House to come up with bullcrap like that. Obviously anyone who calls Obama a Marxist is a racist retard that only listens to people Misinterption of the word "Marxist" The racist right throws it around like how black people use the N-Word!

Obama is no more a Marxist Mr. D'Souza than any elite. Marxism, which Mr. Obama was noted as being one in his Bolshevik orbit years ago, until Mark Levin finally got brave enough to define him as that, is simply the best form of slavery to plunder the world and control the mob.
If there could be a better form of control at a cheaper method which would not stampede the mob into revolution the cartel would embrace it, and that is what Obama would be.

Yeah. So, here's the thing. You've proven your stupidity by taking the "You didn't build that" quote out of context, which means you're simply a kool-aid drinking clown who doesn't have the intelligence to recognize when his own interests are being threatened.

1. Obama is not a Marxist. Marxists believe that workers should have DIRECT ownership of businesses such as factories.

2. No, Obama is not a Communist. He is supported by huge corporations, the opposite of communism.

3. A Muslim? No, he doesn't follow the pillars of Islam. He's never made the Hajj, said the Shada, he eats during Ramadan, he eats pork, he does not pray five times a day, he does not pray in Muslim fashion, he confesses to be a Christian (which in Islam, makes you not a Muslim), nor does he go to a Mosque. Showing respect to a non-white, non-christian culture DOESN'T make you a memeber.

How does activating my rights as an American Make me a traitor?No, having a difficult political view from you makes this a democracy, you disgusting Piece of crap!

That depends. Does 'Marxist' mean, 'a black guy that conservatives don't like because he is black and has more power than them'? Because if it does, then he must be.

Obama does not hate America, he wants to change it.

Calling the POTUS a POS and a fraud seems to the the usual calling call for you right-wing racists and bigots like you!

The point I’m trying to make is that you hypcortical racists are in NO position to be calling Barack Obama a liar of any kind, when for the last three years he has faced constant, unrelenting, mean-spirited, dishonest criticism since before he took office and every day since. His patriotism has been questioned by every member of the right wing echo chamber especially FoxNews and Rush Limbaugh, every single day he has served. He has been called a socialist, communist, Nazi, Marxist, traitor, foreign, un-American, liar, magic negro, halfrican and worse. He has suffered innumerable lies about his ideology, religion, family and even his place of birth. No other president in the history of this country has faced such unfounded open hostility and disrespect. No other president has ever been called a liar by a member of congress during a State of the Union, no other president has had to show his birth certificate…repeatedly.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. That is all they have. obama is a complete failure and is a lire. The only thing he is telling the truth about is that this election is between two different visions for running this country: his (communism) and Romney's (FREEDOM.) People like that previous anonymous are typical of liberals. They take a pot shot, make accusations without substantiation, then run and hide.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Well, he certainly did "run and hide." Thank you for your comments.

Ray Thomas said...

Perry: There re only cosmetic differences between Fascism and communism. Both are different forms of collectivism requiring stealing from those who EARN and giving to those who don't