Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why Not Teach Beastiality?

Or how about having sex with children? Why should educators be FORCED to teach our children about homosexuality? Just because society, as a whole, are afraid to condemn this practice, why should they be FORCED to teach it in school as “normal and natural?” Even if I were homosexual, I’d say it should not be taught to our children as “normal and natural.” It is NOT. It is ABnormal and UNnatural. I have no problem with those who practice it; that’s their private business what they do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. But it should be a CRIME to teach children, who haven’t been alive long enough to decide, that it’s “normal and natural” to lust after a member of their own sex. Gays need not write me and gripe about this. I will NOT “apologize” for this post. You don’t apologize for telling the truth. I have nothing against gays. Only teaching it to our impressionable children before they're smart enough to make their own decisions. (The Blaze)

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