Thursday, August 4, 2011

The REAL Sarah Palin

If you’ve been reading all the crap in the liberal media about former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, you might think she is not qualified to be president. But if you look at her REAL past, you’ll see she’s UNIQUELY qualified to be president. Certainly a lot more qualified than the current occupant of the White House. Nobody frightens Sarah The reason why people in BOTH PARTIES go out of their way to slander her is they’re AFRAID of her. They know what she’s capable of, and they don’t want to have to deal with her in a position of power. The article posted below talks about what she did as governor of Alaska and is indicative of what she will do as president. It talks about Michelle’s “staff,” (in the last half, which was dropped by those who DID carry it for fear of being called "racist") which costs the government more than SIX MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR. No “first lady” before her ever had so many people devoted to helping her with her “social obligations.” Before Eisenhower, her HUSBAND paid for it. Hillary only had three assistants, and most others had only one. Michelle is a good example of a woman who is taking full advantage of her husband’s success. This in a world that is in the middle of a recession her husband can’t stop. Maybe he could use her as an example of how his administration “created jobs.” (Soda Head)

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