Saturday, August 13, 2011

Feds Sue Alabama

They (the feds) refuse to enforce their own immigration laws and Alabama passed a law to do so themselves. So the feds sued them, like they did Arizona. There should be a law FORCING the feds to enforce laws on their books, and states should not be forced to make their own laws to do so and be sued by the incompetent feds. They should ESPECIALLY not be sued by the feds to stop THEM from enforcing laws the feds REFUSE to enforce. What the hell kind of an administration do we have in Washington? They’re not only incompetent, they’re STUPID! But they’ve got the power, so they exercise it in stupid ways. We can’t get rid of Obama and his fellow con men fast enough to suit me. Apparently he doesn’t realize that state laws TRUMP federal laws. It’s in the Constitution, whatever fiction the Democrats put out about the “commerce clause." (Fox News)

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