Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Political Con Men

The very SYSTEM in Washington is set up to fool people who do not pay attention to politics! They even have a name for it: “baseline budgeting.” Under this concept, EVERY government agency gets what amounts to a ten percent increase in their budget every year. That is the “baseline.” If they do not get it, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) scores it as a CUT, while it is NOT a “cut,” but in actuality is simply a budget unchanged. More evidence: if the Bush tax rate cuts were ended, the CBO would score that as a $5 trillion dollar REVENUE DECREASE. If they were extended, it would be scored as a $5 trillion dollar INCREASE. In both cases, there would be no change in the amount of money coming in or going out, but the CBO would score it that way, and most Americans would not question it. (Just common sense)

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