Saturday, July 2, 2011

Eat Doody

Some people will eat ANYTHING if they make it taste like meat. That’s what Japanese scientists are counting on as they try and create a “meatless meat product” containing no meat (directly) that is made from human waste. That’s right, human waste. Crap. Stinky brown stuff. I’d ask those making this disgusting product to eat it first. I certainly won’t be eating it. Not knowingly, anyway. Maybe the government will make a law FORCING me to buy it. I will not. What FOOLS these people be! (Natural News)


Anonymous said...

Shades of Soilent Green....

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Yeah, it probably won't be long before they start recycling "old folks" and other dead people.

Anonymous said...

That's what the Death Panels are for. Just recycling....