Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste"

As one of the stupidest statements ever made by a liberal in public, this one, made by former Obama chief of staff, now Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel is second only to House leader Nancy Peelosi’s “We have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it” remark. And if there isn’t a “good crisis, create one.” Obama has “created a crisis” in this “debt ceiling” impasse with Republicans. He hasn’t presented a budget in years, and HAS no plan of his own. He just listens to the Republican plans, rejects them out of hand, and sends them back to “negotiate” with themselves while blaming them for the “impasse.” I swear, Obama is one of the slickest con men ever to sit in the White House! (The Blaze)

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