Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Lies Are On His Side

AlGore is starting what he calls a “Climate Reality Project” to counter what he calls “misinformation” (lies) about “climate change” (his new name for his con so he can use COLD weather as illustration his scam is real). But ALL the “misinformation (lies) come out of HIS mouth, and the mouths of his henchmen. He can’t prove a single thing he says with REAL science; only with his “consensus” of (pretend) scientists. It doesn’t seem to matter how much proof we gain that he’s LYING, he keeps on lying and “putting us down” by saying “they’re not in the mainstream.” What a load of stinky brown stuff comes out of this jerk’s mouth! It really irritates me to see a guy like this actually get traction with his con because of all the gullible people out there--and I include some pretty powerful politicians in that bunch. (The Blaze)

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