Thursday, July 28, 2011

An Excuse to Limit Your Rights

Six months or more after the shooting that killed six people and almost killed Rep.Gabby Giffords, anti-gun freaks are still clamoring for “tougher gun safety laws.” But what ARE “tougher gun safety laws” that work? You can make as many new laws as you want, but those who are determined to shoot somebody will have no trouble getting a gun. Less trouble in areas where the “anti-gun laws” are toughest, because such laws CREATE a market for illicit guns. They just don’t seem to understand that CRIMINALS, who break the law for a LIVING, will NOT obey a law that says they cannot be armed. Thus, the only people these laws effect are honest people, which gives criminals an endless supply of unarmed victims. Even those “tougher gun laws” on the books are commonly used as “throw-away charges” to gain confessions and therefore aren’t of any effect in the way that was planned. (Just common sense)

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