Saturday, July 16, 2011

By Any Measure

We’re “going to hell in a handbasket” under Obama. Jobs: Obama SAYS Democrats measure progress by how many people have jobs; but that’s a lie: they measure it by how many people are dependent on GOVERNMENT to pay their bills so they’ll vote for Democrats. There are 6 million more foreclosures than during the Bush administration; there are 2.1 MILLION more unemployed, 3.7 TRILLION dollars added to the national debt (TRIPLED under Obama), 3 million more bankruptcies, a literal “tidal wave” of new government regulations. Government has grown exponentially (uncontrollably) and is continuing to grow while Obama makes the rules. Do you want the government making all your decisions while taxing you unmercifully to pay for their “flights of fancy?” (Patriot Action Network)


Anonymous said...

There's hope. The people I know who are unemployed HATE obama and will vote him out. One of my friends has been unemployed for 2 years. He thinks obama is the worst thing that every happend to this country. He cannot even get an interview. obama sucks.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Yes, the ranks of the unemployed (who are smart enough to know to blame Obama) are a large bank of votes against him. Problem is, many people don't pay enough attention to politics to know that.

Anonymous said...

These days I should think even complete idiots could easily see a goodly portion of what is happening to this country without even looking for it because with the economy in the toilet, the heath care crisis and the housing market in the toilet with the economy it has been brought home to roost. It would seem even the brain-dead would have had their eyes opened and would begin paying much greater attention.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Back when I was purposely ignoring politics, I completely missed Reagan's lowering the tax rate and almost doubling the tax "take." You can miss a lot if you're not paying attention. Believe it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I remember when Reagan did that.

Anonymous said...

America Is Too Dumb to Know Obama Is Always Right
By Michael Goodwin
Published July 13, 2011

When President Obama started talking at his news conference Monday, I listened intently for 15 minutes or so. Then I got fidgety as his half-truths about the debt grew into full-blown whoppers. As he droned on, I did something I never did before during an Obama appearance: I turned off the TV.
Enough. He is the Man Who Won't Listen to Anybody, so why should anybody listen to him?
Tuning out and turning off the president does not fill me with gladness. He cannot be ignored.
But for now, I will leave that unhappy duty to others. I am tired of Barack Obama. There's nothing new there. His speeches are like "Groundhog Day."
His presidency is a spectacular failure, his historic mandate squandered by adherence to leftist ideology and relentless partisanship. His policies are crushing the prospects for growth and dooming the hopes of 24 million Americans who are unemployed or working part-time.
Yet he is not going to change. He listens only to his own voice, which is why he has lost virtually his entire economic team.
The biggest media myth is that he is a centrist. Oh, please. It's a theory without evidence, for there is not a single example on domestic issues where he voluntarily staked out a spot in the American middle.
Sure, on occasion, Obama will be to the right of the far, far left, but that is not the center. That just means he's not Michael Moore.
Nor is he a centrist because he'll make a deal under duress with Republicans, as he did last December. All politicians have a pragmatic streak, otherwise they couldn't get anything done in a divided government.
But Obama's default statist position remains unmolested by facts or last year's landslide that was a rebuke to his first two years. He continues to push bigger and bigger government, higher and higher taxes and more and more welfare programs.
He will compromise if he must, but he still wants what he wants and will come back for it again and again.
That's the subtext of the debt-ceiling talks and his press conference. He voted against raising the ceiling as a senator, calling the need for an increase a "failure."
Now he is not embarrassed to demand a hike of about $2.5 trillion, and more hair of the spending-and-taxing dog. He reveals his belief that your money is really the government's and it will decide how much you can keep. The only cut he is comfortable with is in the defense budget.
He says it's time to "pull off the Band-Aid" and "eat our peas." Translation: It's time for Republicans to give him everything he wants. That's his definition of being an adult and acting in the national interest.
His only concession to public will is to pretend he's got religion about the fiscal problems and wants a "big deal." What he really wants is to get through the election.
In answering a question about a poll showing that two-thirds of voters don't want the debt ceiling raised, he blew off 70 million Americans by saying they aren't paying attention.
There's a novel campaign theme: Elect me because you're too dumb to understand how smart I am.
Harry Truman ran against a "Do-Nothing" Congress. Obama is running against a "Know-Nothing" nation.
He can never be wrong. You always are, unless you agree with him.
That's the story of his presidency. That's who he is.
Michael Goodwin is a Fox News contributor and New York Post columnist. To continue reading his column on other topics including Mila Kunis, click here.

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Ray Thomas said...

Anon: I never listen to what Obama says, either, because I know it will be a lie. I always turn it off when he comes on, which is all too often. I go by what he DOES, not what he says. the biggest lie out there is NOT that he is a centrist, it is that he is a CONSERVATIVE, in the mold of Ronald Reagan. Like Michael Steele (former GOP Chair), I laugh uproariously at the very suggestion. He's right though, about most Americans "not paying attention," and that's what got him elected (They're not "too stupid to understand him, they're just uninformed). He's counting on it to get re-elected. Boy, is he gonna be surprised at how many "woke up." In any encyclopaedia, next to the definition of "failed president," you'll see his picture.

Anonymous said...

I heard on the news this morning that millions of Americans are writing the hash-mark symbol for "F--- Washington" or some such thing on FaceBook. I hope that continues to grow. Millions of Americans are totally Pd off at everybody in our government.