Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Obama's Ultimatum to Israel

Obama has given Israel PM Netanyahu an ultimatum: “Decide on the Palestinian question the way I want you to.” Where the hell does HE get off giving such an ultimatum to a foreign head of state? What Israel does or does not do is their own business and not his. He should “butt out.” Actually, there is no “Palestinian question.” The Palestinians have been attacking Israeli innocent citizens for a long time. They are TERRORISTS and should not even be considered for statehood, But our limp-wristed jerks in office have ‘”bought” the Palestinian lie and think they have the right to dictate policy to the head of a sovereign state. (The Blaze)


Anonymous said...

I hope Israel smack the snot out of obamb. obama is drunk with power. He thinks he is king of the planet.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon" By Jove, I think you've got it!