Thursday, June 2, 2011

Laughner Got What He Wanted

He WANTS to be judged insane. That’s why the best-remembered picture of him is a bald head and a devilish grin while his eyes look as crazy as he can manage. That’s why he made an outburst in the courtroom while they tried to figure out whether or not he is competent and able to assist in his own defense. He is VERY capable of understanding and “assisting” in his own defense, which he is doing very well. He’s conning the court and has gotten what he wants; easy time in a loony bin. This excellent example of “pond scum” should be sent directly to the toughest prison in the land, and executed as soon as possible. Rights? After conviction, he should HAVE no rights. He should be executed quickly, while America remembers his atrocity. (The Blaze)

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